Free Printable Weekly Chore Chart Template

As parents, one of our primary goals is to raise independent and responsible children. Teaching them essential life skills and instilling a sense of responsibility can go a long way in helping them become self-sufficient adults. One effective tool that can aid in this process is a weekly chore chart.

This article will discuss what a weekly chore chart is, why it is important to give children chores, how to make a chore chart for your kids, and provide some examples and tips for implementing the chore chart.

What is a Weekly Chore Chart?

A weekly chore chart is a visual tool that outlines the tasks and responsibilities children need to complete on a regular basis. It typically includes a list of chores divided by days of the week.

The chart can be customized according to the child’s age, ability, and the specific tasks you want them to accomplish.

By using a chore chart, children can easily keep track of their responsibilities and develop a sense of accomplishment as they complete each task.

Sample Weekly Chore Chart Template Featuring Columns for Each Day of the Week and Chore Assignments
Sample Weekly Chore Chart Template

Why Is It Important To Give Children Chores?

Assigning chores to children offers numerous benefits that contribute to their overall development and growth.

Here are a few reasons why giving children chores is important:

  • Teaches responsibility: Chores teach children about responsibility and the importance of contributing to the household. It helps them understand that everyone has a role to play in maintaining a clean and organized living environment.
  • Promotes independence: By assigning age-appropriate chores, children learn how to complete tasks on their own. This fosters independence and self-sufficiency, which are crucial skills they will need in adulthood.
  • Develops life skills: Chores provide an opportunity for children to learn valuable life skills such as cleaning, organizing, and time management. These skills will benefit them throughout their lives.
  • Builds a strong work ethic: When children have responsibilities and are expected to complete them, they develop a strong work ethic. They understand the value of hard work and perseverance.
  • Boosts self-esteem: Accomplishing tasks and being recognized for their efforts through a chore chart can boost a child’s self-esteem and confidence. It gives them a sense of pride and accomplishment.

How To Make A Chore Chart For Your Kids

Creating a chore chart for your kids can be a fun and engaging activity. Here are some steps to help you make an effective and personalized chore chart:

  1. Define the chores: Start by making a list of age-appropriate chores that you want your child to complete. Consider their capabilities and interests when assigning tasks.
  2. Choose a format: Decide whether you want to create a physical chart using paper and markers or use an online template. There are various chore chart templates available online that you can customize to suit your needs.
  3. Create a schedule: Determine the frequency and timing of each chore. Divide the chart into days of the week and assign specific tasks to each day.
  4. Add visuals: Use images or icons to represent each chore. This can make the chart more visually appealing and easier for younger children to understand.
  5. Track progress: Include a section on the chart where your child can mark off or place a sticker next to each completed task. This allows them to visually track their progress and feel a sense of accomplishment.
  6. Set rewards: Consider implementing a reward system to motivate your child to complete their chores. This can be as simple as earning points or tokens that can be exchanged for privileges or small rewards.


Here is an example of a simple chore chart for a 7-year-old child:

  • Monday: Make the bed
  • Tuesday: Take out the trash
  • Wednesday: Feed the pets
  • Thursday: Set the table for dinner
  • Friday: Put away toys
  • Saturday: Help with laundry
  • Sunday: Clean bedroom

Remember to customize the chart based on your child’s abilities and the specific chores you want them to focus on.

Tips for Implementing the Chore Chart

Implementing a chore chart successfully requires consistency and clear communication. Here are some tips to help you make the most of your chore chart:

  • Explain the purpose: Take the time to explain to your child why they are being assigned chores and the benefits of completing them. Help them understand that it is a way for them to contribute to the family and develop important life skills.
  • Set realistic expectations: Make sure the assigned chores are age-appropriate and within your child’s capabilities. Start with simple tasks and gradually increase the complexity as they become more comfortable.
  • Be consistent: Stick to the chore chart and ensure that the assigned tasks are completed as scheduled. Consistency is key in establishing routines and habits.
  • Provide guidance and support: Initially, your child may need guidance and assistance in completing their chores. Offer clear instructions and demonstrate how to do each task. As they become more proficient, gradually step back and allow them to complete the tasks independently.
  • Recognize and reward: Acknowledge your child’s efforts and accomplishments. Offer praise, encouragement, and rewards to motivate them to continue completing their chores.
  • Review and adjust: Regularly review the chore chart and make adjustments as needed. As your child grows and develops new skills, you can modify the tasks and responsibilities accordingly.

Remember that every child is different, and what works for one may not work for another. It’s essential to tailor the chore chart to your child’s unique personality, interests, and abilities to ensure their engagement and success.

Free Weekly Chore Chart Template!

A weekly chore chart is a valuable tool in fostering independence and responsibility in children. By assigning age-appropriate tasks, you can teach your child essential life skills, promote independence, and build a strong work ethic.

Creating a personalized chore chart and implementing it consistently can help your child develop a sense of responsibility and accomplishment.

So grab some markers and paper or use our weekly chore chart template, and start empowering your child to become more independent through the use of a chore chart.

Weekly Chore Chart TemplateExcel

Maiara Saga
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